Someone reached out to me recently seeking support. They were feeling overwhelmed by what is coming out of our government’s administration on a daily basis. This person has immediate and personal stake in some of those actions. They wanted to know if they were alone in feeling this way.
I told them that I could absolutely confirm that many other people are suffering as well. They are not alone in this suffering. I spent a good amount of time in the last week sitting with and listening to, and holding onto people who are terrified of what the administration is doing. The actions and statements made by the administration are so extreme that it drives into our imaginations, and then we feel unable to stop it–the possibilities for suffering. I should say what I know to be the silent truth. While I am not targeted by any of the immediate administrative actions, I am suffering with worry, too. People I love deeply are targeted by these actions, and I cannot separate myself from that.
When we suffer mental and emotional anguish like this, the story maker within is almost assaulted with energy. Because we humans are story makers at our core, all of this worry, fear and even panic begins to stir the stuff within us that creates stories, and we start telling them. What if . . ? And what about . . ? And may then . . . But why not . . ? Within just a few minutes, we have begun constructing many stories, some of hope, some of fear, some calling for reason, some drowning in despair and many which contradict each other.
One of the things that I try to do for myself and encourage others to do is to distinguish between the things that I fear may happen and the things that I can do something about today. And then, I move those things that I can do something about today to the top of my attention. The things that I fear may happen, may never come to pass. And at some point, each of them may become things that I can do something about today. When that moment arrives, I have a new thing that I can do.
Right now, I need (I dare to say, we all need) to tell the story of how we are staying grounded. Let’s tell stories of how we find our center and live from it today. Let’s tell ourselves the story of remembering to breathe in the face of the thing that frightens us most. And, then, friends, let us weave a story together of how we are holding the hands of the people around us, especially those who, for now, are overwhelmed with all of the new stories that seem to be arising within them. Let’s tell the story of phone calls we are making, letters we are writing, meetings we are attending and other actions that we as members of this nation are taking in the face of cruel and destructive policies.
There is nothing we can do about what has already happened, and the list of things that have happened will change from day to day. But, we can ground, center, breathe, hold on, and take action while we weave the story of our way forward.
~Bob Patrick
Beautiful!! Just what I needed today!!