Monthly Archives: March 2024

More Than Meets The Eye

Are you familiar with the Transformers? You know, those robots in disguise? Long before the Transformers movie franchise, there was a cartoon version that captured the imagination of my son when he was only five or six. In the show, … Continue reading

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All the Pretty Colors

For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction. Heather Warman In June 2019 … Continue reading

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When I think of the word transformation, one of the first things that comes to mind ismetamorphosis. I am struggling with this month’s theme of transformation because Iwant to be the butterfly, yet emotionally and spiritually I feel like hiding … Continue reading

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The Alchemy of Time

Today is an experience. Yesterday, was a memory. Tomorrow, will be an anticipation. I frequently find myself thinking of time in a linear way like this. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. I think I’m not alone. I think most human beings experience … Continue reading

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Life’s Eternal Truth

In the garden’s heart where secrets dwell,Through pagan holy days, a transformation spell.From Imbolc’s light to Beltane’s fire,Each turning season lifts us higher. In spring’s embrace, beneath Ostara’s eye,The earth awakens, spirits fly.Seeds stir in soil, green shoots break free,A … Continue reading

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The Daily Grind

Though your destination is not yet clearYou can trust the promise of this opening;Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginningThat is at one with your life’s desire. In his poem entitled, “ For a New Beginning,” John O’ Donohue invites … Continue reading

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My Path with UUCG

We all know that each of us have different journeys to walk. My journey started five years ago when I mistakenly contacted Sherree about joining a coven. She very quickly let me know that CUUPS was not a coven but … Continue reading

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