Monthly Archives: August 2024

Repost: Spiritual Pluralism

Repost from May 15, 2024 When I was growing up with my mom I was surrounded by many people in my life that had different views on religion. My grandparents were Buddhist, my friend’s mother was a Seventh Day Adventist, … Continue reading

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Repost: Seeking A Way to Hold It All

Repost from May 10, 2024 Let us open a prayerful space, a reflective space, a space where we can betruthful about how hard it is to live this faith of Unitarian Universalism, this faithto which we are saying yes: This … Continue reading

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Repost: Gray Lines

Reposted from May 9, 2024 This month is about seeking the answers to our hearts’ true and deep questions. To me it is also about letting go of old boundaries. As a child everything was black and white and my … Continue reading

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Repost: Scratching and Digging In Common Ground

Repost from May 3, 2024 Before I even get beyond this first line, I want to say that I do not pretend for a moment that the following issues are easy or simple. There, having said that . . . … Continue reading

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Repost: Where Do We Stand?

Repost from May 2, 2024 We unite in our differences in background & belief;We unite—with gratitude and hope:Hope for a world of differences;Hope for a world that honors difference;We unite in communityWith gratitude for difference. Permission secured by Soul MattersRev. … Continue reading

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Repost: Glistening Gauzy Threads: Pluralism –> Renewal

Reposted from May 31, 2024 I just can’t help it, y’all: For me, summer starts on June 1. So on this last day ofMay, I see us teeter-tottering on the threshold between the seasons. In a moment,with just one more … Continue reading

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Repost: Music Is Connection

Reposted from July 8, 2024 Music is connection. Whether we’re sharing a song together, singing the songs of ourancestors or other communities, or crafting a solitary creation, music allows us to seedeeper, feel more, and open ourselves to connecting with … Continue reading

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