Building Friendships Through Music

On most typical Sundays at UUCG you can see me in the alto section of the Covenant
Choir. I have a practice of scanning the sanctuary with my eyes to spot anyone whose
face I don’t recognize, so that I can try to introduce myself after the service. I don’t
always get that chance, as congregants often come up to me to check in with me for the

Regardless of how each Sunday pans out, I enjoy the invitation to connect with
people who are interested in what I have to share, as well as give opportunities for
visitors to get to know me. One particular connection I have made over the years, and
still treasure is my friendships with the choir and now the Sweet MUUsic instrumental
group. I am so grateful to have these connections on a regular basis.

The practice of inviting people to join in making music and memories is one of my favorite ministries I have participated in at UUCG over the past twelve. A lot of us are eager to have others join in the fun and camaraderie, yet do not want to pressure anyone with our invitation. That is an important practice in and of itself. In our welcome, we seek to be inclusive and give folks the chance to open up and get to know us.

Ultimately, we have visitors who come and go, but we also are enjoying getting to know
new members who are growing with us. It’s a beautiful thing.

~Jen Garrison

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