Can You Repair What Isn’t Broken?

I like mechanical things. They make sense to me. I can look at diagrams, watch them function, and diagnose what is wrong with a strong degree of certainty. There is comfort in feeling confident that I can understand what is wrong and knowing that I have the tools, skills, and materials to fix it.

Sometimes, a machine works differently than I expected but still functions as intended. Sometimes, the machine works correctly but the operator causes unanticipated results. In these situations, I can’t really “fix” the machine. It’s not broken. I can retrain an operator. I can try to modify or adapt the machine, to change my expectations to line up with the new reality, to return it and get a machine that works better, etc.

Is our Nation broken? Is it working as intended? Is it operator error? As one person, I don’t have the power to make the same changes as I could on the factory floor. Lately, I feel pretty powerless. I am committed to living my values in the face of this challenge. I will care for my community in ways that I can. I will advocate for and support those living on the margins. I don’t know if this will “fix” anything. I don’t know if it will change any hearts or minds. I do know that I will continue to live out my values regardless of the outcome.

~Ian Van Sice

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4 Responses to Can You Repair What Isn’t Broken?

  1. Lydia M Patrick says:

    Living out our values regardless of the outcome. There is something to hang onto. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Mez says:

    Well stated. Living our values (which is living by example) is the best thing to help ourselves, and hopefully, our nation. Thank you for your thoughts.

  3. Peggy A says:

    Ian, such a wonderful reminder of what we all need to do! Thank you for these inspiring words. Together, we can achieve more, so onward we go working to repair the world.

  4. Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones says:

    This is such a great reflection, Ian! It’s groundedness in “what is mine to do” helps me to breathe and re-ground myself too. I’m also so curious about what we’ll discover during this time about what we can and want and feel called to do–by our gifts, experiences, and values–that we didn’t even know we could. I’m so glad we’re on the journey in this community!

    with Love

    Rev. Nancy

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