Invitation to the Little Things

Life can be hectic. It seems like you never have any rest from the responsibilities of life. You have bills to pay. You have to get the children off to school. You have deadlines at work.  You have to decide what you are going to cook for dinner. You have to clean. You have to get your children ready for bed. This is when you can finally rest. 

You turn on the TV and all you see is the worst of this world. You don’t understand anything that is going on. You are angry, scared, sad and frustrated. How can there be so much hate? What happened? Well, I can answer those two questions for you. I don’t know!  I believe most of us can understand all of these feelings and thoughts.

You wonder if you will ever have peace, love or joy in life again. I can tell you that you probably have this everyday. This is when I invite you to the little things in life. I know that your responsibilities can overshadow them. Maybe, we can slow down just enough to enjoy them. 

Let’s see if we can remember any. The hug that your child gave you this morning. Noticing that the flowers are blooming. The beautiful blue sky. Watching funny cat videos. Hearing a stupid joke that made you smile. Eating a good meal. Watching your favorite movie. Having a stimulating conversation. Reading a good book. Having a quiet moment. Having a bit of time for your hobby.  Getting into your cozy bed. These are a few little things in life that are so easily overlooked and may give you peace, love and joy. Maybe, we should invite each other to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.

~Rita Romero 

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