
The act of telling stories gives us the chance to share and explore adventures with others. It can also be a way of solving problems, and without question can be a way of interacting with

other people. Storytelling is among my most cherished past times. Telling stories helps me feel connected to people and their love. With an eventful life of travels, athletic pursuits, professional accomplishments, and rich family histories I have a treasure trove of subjects to present.

We have a lovely dining room decorated by Carol, with track lighting and a table that has extensions to vary its size according to the number of guests. Dinner parties have always been a vehicle for making friends and a platform for my stories. We enjoyed such parties in the many places that we have lived: Hawaii, Montana, Zuni, Albuquerque, and Atlanta. Through the years of telling stories, I have discovered my sense of humor. I experience so much joy in making people laugh. It might not come as a surprise to know that in high school I was the class clown, and in my college fraternity, I was nicknamed Showman.

Over the years, I have come to see that music and art are compatible friends with storytelling. Each in their own right is a way of telling a story. These days, I feel like I have entered into a very creative time in my life. Over the last couple of years, I have produced over one hundred colored marker and acrylic paint pieces of art. I’ve had a burning desire to be a performing musician. The UU Sweet Muusic band is a dream come true, where I have an opportunity to play my percussion cajon, and perhaps down the road my harmonica and trumpet. Each of these acts of art and music making are additional ways that story and its gifts come forth in our lives.

What kind of story teller are you?

~Bruce Leonard

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