I use the stories, the archetypal representations of Tarot cards for inspiration, creative visualization, setting intentions, affirmations, and meditation. While meditating on this month’s theme of Resistance the Magician Card came to mind.
The Magician represents the time in our Journey where we recognize the tools we have and put them to use. In the four powers of the Magician, Air(Swords) is the power to know/discern, Fire(Wands) is the power to will/create, Water(Cups) is the power to love/dare, Earth(Discs) is the power to be silent/preserve.These tools are gifts of the Divine to become the best version of ourselves and be a blessing on the Earth.
Resistance is well served by these tools. I resist false information by study, exploration, and discussion with those who know more than I. I resist fear and inaction by choosing to take one step in the direction of justice and mercy. I resist depression and self-hatred by turning my gaze, my love, my energy towards the needs of others. And I resist manic self-destruction by sitting still and holding on to all the good that I see and feel from my family, friends, and community.
My declaration of intention and choosing to act is summed up in my Affirmation Poem:
AHA! I said, I do Exist,
And have the Power to Resist
Your wretched tries to Change my Name,
I burn a steady, open Flame.
I write my Magic, Sing my Spells,
I need no one to Ring my Bell,
Upon the altar of my Mind,
I hold the Keys to Space and Time.
The Knowledge of the Universe,
Plays merrily in Song and Verse,
My Power flows through fingertips,
My Cup o’erflows, Come, Take a Sip.
~Sherree Bailey

I love your poetry, Sherree. I wonder if you would permit me to use it in some of my greeting cards, ( especially the bird Caricature cards). I’ve been looking for something light weight with a positive attitude, empowerment and authority. If you don’t have objections , may I add this to my card collection? I could purchase the rights to publish and make absolutely sure your name is printed as authorship. Your poems need to be shared!
Absolutely!!! I would be honored!!
Love your powerful, concise, poetry!