The Paradox of Invitation

If I have to invite you, this is not your home.

Have you ever had a best friend whose house you could just walk into? Not worrying about ringing the doorbell or knocking? Have you ever walked into the UUCG building and not had to worry about ringing the bell or knocking? Maybe even this most recent Sunday? Is it time for me to stop writing this piece using only questions?

But seriously, UUCG is my home and I hope everyone feels like it is theirs too. 

I have lived in places where I was not at home when I went through the front door. Even when I used my own key to enter. I have lived in places where I’m only at home inside my own room or even just inside my own bed. Mostly this had to do with the people I was living with at the time. I value my alone time. And now, even though I live with other people, they are people I feel at home with. 

Maybe home is less about having to knock or not and more about the people you share the space with.

Have you ever had a friend whose door you still knock on when you visit, but when you’re inside, you feel at home? Is that because of the people you are with? 

Maybe UUCG is your home even if you do have to knock. 

For the record, I’m formally inviting everyone to UUCG. 

And further, no one needs to be invited. You can always come home.

~Aline Harris

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One Response to The Paradox of Invitation

  1. Lydia says:

    What a beautiful piece about home, making home, feeling at home, being home. Thank you – Blessed Be

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