I have five tattoos. They all have a story that I love sharing, but my favorite is my frog on a daisy. When seeking out a tattoo artist I wanted a 3D version of a frog on a daisy in honor of my mother. So I reached out to some people I know and found an up and coming tattoo artist… that had literally only done a dozen tattoos.
I sent the kid pictures of what I wanted and he said, “I’ll try my best.” That’s all I asked.
I got the tattoo of a frog on a daisy, on my hip over my left ovary, the one that is plagued with PCOS.
I was proud of the tattoo, it was cute, not what I wanted, but the kid was green. I posted the tattoo online and was blasted for getting it.
“It looks like a child drew it,” “I can’t believe you paid money for that,” “That is the worst tattoo ever!.” The comments just kept coming till I turned them off.
The tattoo wasn’t the best, but it was my story…it was my tattoo.
It wasn’t till 2018 when I went to see a spiritualist that I got confirmation that my mom loved it. The spiritualists said “you have something on you that looks like a ribbon…it’s green or pink, I can’t tell. You mom is showing me a photo and I can’t tell what it is, but it’s on your body.”
I lifted my shirt and showed her the tattoo, “yes, that is it right there, it looks like a ribbon to me. But your mom said she loves it and thinks it’s beautiful.”
At that point, I decided to never change it.
~Candice Carver