Welcome to My World

Come along with me into my world; people call it pure imagination. But it is my world. I’ve always been told that I live in a fantasy world. As a Pisces this always rang true. I am a dreamer. I dream of worlds beyond our own with fairies and dragons and adventure, where my body isn’t my biggest hurdle to conquer. I’ve dreamed of these worlds since I was little, imagining that all was well in the world. Call it disassociation. I called it survival. 

My world today is much different than my world as a child. So now when I have dreams to do things, I have the potential to make it happen. When I dream of my Goddess telling me to make an altar in her name, I have the ability to do it. And that is where people say it’s my imagination, that I’m just making things up in my head. 

But to me it’s not. I talk to my Gods and Goddesses, I talk to the land that I live on, the house that I live in and the spirits that reside in it as well. They tell me things with emotions and, yes, words. My Goddesses have always guided me as to where and how they want their altars set up, things that I need to do to honor them and when I absolutely need to make an offering in their name. The land has always told me what it wants and needs to thrive and be happy. My house spirits humor me and comfort me when I’m frustrated or have anxiety by telling me I’m safe.

I’m inviting you into my mind, my world, my dream so that you can understand. Call me crazy, illusional or weird… I’m used to it, but understand there is a world beyond ours that I connect to, a world that gives me peace, and provides me strength. It’s a world of imagination for some people. For me, it’s a world of hope, love and peace.

~Candice Carver

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