Monthly Archives: September 2014

The Labyrinth: Requirement

Labyrinths not only invite us, but once we have accepted the invitation to look at them, to walk one, to trace one with our fingers, or even to go out into the land and make one, they begin to require … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: Feeling Lost

You are driving in an unfamiliar area, and you see a “road closed” sign on the very street down which your GPS is urging you to turn. You continue straight, hoping there will be an adjacent street which will get … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: Making Amends

In the Jewish tradition, the days following Rosh Hashanah are a progression toward Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.  Atonement is more than simply offering an apology, it is actively working to make right a wrong you have committed, and … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: Invitation

The Labyrinth invites.  That was certainly my first experience of a labyrinth.  I saw a photograph of the labyrinth in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Chartres, France.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.  The mere image of … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: What do we follow?

All experience is preceded by mind, Led by mind, Made by mind. Speak or act with a peaceful mind, And happiness follows, Like a never-departing shadow. – The Buddha, “‘We are what we think.” Labyrinths and mazes are often thought … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: Repentance

Repentance.  Many of us understand this word to indicate turning away from sin, or a feeling of contrition for something we’ve done.  Many of us associate it with an element of guilt.  But the Hebrew definition of repentance is more … Continue reading

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The Labyrinth: Balance

When there isn’t enough compassion being generated (either for ourselves as individuals or in the world in general), we become unbalanced; we suffer from it as we would from a lack of fresh air and clean water. It is not … Continue reading

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