Tag Archives: UU 7th Principle

Discovering Renewal

Last month I had the opportunity to tour a farm. The moment we arrived I could feel the difference in the energy of the atmosphere, a shift in the air that enveloped us with the aroma of the earth. Acres … Continue reading

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Where Does Our Abundance Go?

The first service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett this November featured four speakers sharing reflections on generosity in addition to the homily and, though Iparticipated as a speaker, I found myself further inspired by the thoughts of our … Continue reading

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Best Friends, Not Bookkeepers

A coworker recently got married and, before the weekend of the ceremony, we held a smallparty for her in the office. As these things often do, we had snacks, games, and there were alsocards for others to fill out with … Continue reading

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November 30–Faith: Unseen Things

It strikes me that faith is called upon for unseen things more often than we sometimes think. The doctor says to take this pill. Someone says to you that what you thought you understood about them was not true, and … Continue reading

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November 9–Faith: Radical Welcome into Reciprocity

Our congregation has affirmed that we are a radically welcoming community. We did not come to those words or what they represent lightly or overnight.  No knee-jerk reactions here. I see the whole dynamic around coming to see ourselves as … Continue reading

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Beauty: The Gods Revealing

I woke up from what seemed like a night full of just weird dreams, and that is most often my experience. I began a complaint in my mind: why can’t I just have a joyful dream every once in a … Continue reading

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Return Again: Born Again

The phrase “to be born again” holds a lot of religious power for some folks.  It’s an English translation of a line in John’s gospel (written in Greek) which is probably better translated “to be born from above.”  In the … Continue reading

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