Tag Archives: UU 4th Principle

How Does This Taste to You?

I have a small baking business. Before I was issued Cottage my license I had to pass a course at the health department  and then inspectors came into my home, opened my cabinets, looked inside of my refrigerator, and asked … Continue reading

Posted in Vulnerability | Tagged | 1 Comment

Two Truths

Two truths approach each other.  One comes from inside, the other from the outside, And where they meet we have a chance to catch sight of ourselves. “Preludes,” Tomas Transtromer If we are at home with our own center, we … Continue reading

Posted in Center | Tagged | 3 Comments


Bob and I practiced hot yoga for a time in AL and in GA.  We loved it and probably would still be going if the drive to Decatur was not so long and traffic laden.  This hot yoga is a … Continue reading

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Starlight Starbright First start I see tonight I may, I might, wish upon that start so bright.  And when the sun tells me the day’s begun. I’ll turn to see my miracle appear to me.  The journey’s hard, the night … Continue reading

Posted in Wonder | Tagged | 1 Comment

The Secret to Freedom

“The secret to freedom is courage.” ~ Thucydides Last month when “belonging” was the topic, I began thinking about how we find courage to choose where to belong and with whom to belong.  When I finished writing, the monthly topic … Continue reading

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Basic Belonging

It seems that when we consider the idea of belonging our first inclination is to think of belonging through our relationships with one another. This is certainly an important aspect of the human yearning for belonging. And, what if just … Continue reading

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Finding My Way

I never belonged to any group during my childhood. My mom is Puerto Rican. My father is a first generation Mexican-American. You would think that I would have a rich Latin heritage, but I don’t.  My mother decided not to … Continue reading

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