Birth: Divine Spark

©Vivian Rider 2013, from the book Life, Light, Love

A New Light by Vivian Rider
illustration from the book Life, Light, Love

“A child is born on Earth.  A new light shines in the universe.”  ~ Vivian Rider, “Life, Light, Love”

Every child is born with a divine spark within them.  This is the transcendent aspect of Who We Are; the individual-yet-connected light that each of us brings to the world.  When we are “soul searching”, this is the place within us that holds the answers we seek.

It is essential, I believe, for children to be reminded of this – to be told what a marvel they are so that they grow up embracing this knowledge, this sense of their own divinity.  Having that to hold on to imbues one with a degree of strength and resilience that will serve them well when they face an imperfect and (what is at times an) unkind world.  I believe, too, that it is when we are tapped into this divinity within that we are able to see others – as well as ourselves – from a place of Love and truth.  This is where compassion lives.

A couple of weeks ago, I was privileged to receive an advance copy of a children’s book, “Life, Light, Love”, by Vivian Rider.  On its pages, Dr. Rider weaves a narrative that conveys this idea beautifully – the inherent divinity in each of us, our interconnection with all that is, and that the journey through life is just the beginning of an extraordinary experience of existence.

If every child born hears this message – truly hears it – can you imagine what a different kind of world this would be?  Is there a way that you can convey this to a child whose life yours touches?  Even if simply by example?

Every child is born with a divine spark within them.  And, though they may forget, they don’t ever grow out of it.  How are you living the divinity that was born within you?

~ Christiana

‘Life, Light, Love’ (along with Dr. Rider’s other delightful books for children) is available for purchase here.

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2 Responses to Birth: Divine Spark

  1. Peggy Averyr says:

    This divine spark that you described so well is my concept of God. It is very difficult for me to stay in touch with this divine spark in my rush, rush everyday existence. When I don’t stay in touch with my own divine spark, it is difficult to see it in others.

  2. I agree, Peggy. Perhaps, for me, that is the only thing that takes priority over making sure we convey this to the children in our lives. Task number one is making sure we remember it ourselves. ♥

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