On the spiral path,
Change is embraced
As a necessary part of growth
As we circle around each season again
We notice the subtle ways we have changed
And the wisdom we have gained
We celebrate and grieve
The gains and losses
in our personal
And professional lives
The friendships we have maintained, made or lost
The accomplishments that make us proud
The mistakes that make us humble
And we recognize we are different,
Not the person we were a year ago
And not the person we will be next year
A new knowing accompanies each Season’s arrival
Perhaps that autumn air has a different texture to it
There are layers that you didn’t notice before
The winter chill touches us in a deeper way
Reminding us of what we truly hold dear
The newness of Spring brings possibilities to our minds
We wouldn’t have even dreamt of last year
The intense summer heat is affecting us in new ways
Causing us to cook up different recipes
With a depth of flavor our taste buds can now embrace
Our journey leads us to open and surrender more to the Great Mystery
through the past year’s trials, tribulations and celebrations
And with that opening our senses become sensitized to more nuances
Recognizing a tiny bit more
the vast universe we find ourselves in
The microcosm that goes infinitely within,
and the macrocosm that goes infinitely without
Our place in this vastness becomes
a little bit more defined
a little bit more refined
We are an accumulation of
every stage of our development,
and we are so much more
Who knows what will happen next
when we walk through the coming season’s door
~Sharon Yun
Beautiful words, Sharon. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Thanks for reading Peggy!
This is beautiful! I sent it to myself to read again and again. Thank you. Jen G.
My favorite part is that “we are an accumulation of every stage of our development, and we are so much more”. In other words, we are greater than the sum of our parts. I like this because it is the “thinking person’s” way to walk through the door. The door needs to be acknowledged.
It strikes me that you are one of “the thinking,” getting ready for the next great mystery !