Category Archives: Change

November 2022

Moving On

In “The Power of Myth” , 1991 Joseph Cambell says:  “ People says that what we’re all seeking a meaning for life. I think that what we’re really seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences … Continue reading

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Kids Are Not Afraid to Ask Good Questions

Our daughter has maintained a connection  on social media with the mentor of her sorority pledge chapter at UGA from 2012 who is now the director of youth and young adults at a Presbertyerian Church – Margie Quinn. She received … Continue reading

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You Are You

Life is constantly changing. Many times we know when the change will happen and many times we don’t. I guess that is life, always keeping us on our toes.  In the mornings, I will usually be seated on the swing … Continue reading

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Time for Change

This summer I shared a reflection from our daughter, Hannah about a migrating momma bird who settled in her back yard to give birth and wings to her offspring. Over the course of that month, she and Blake bonded with … Continue reading

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Changing Awareness

I stood at the edge of the woods behind my house watching the squirrels, several sets, racing across mountains of leaves and up and down a dozen trees. Their noise ruffling of the leaves grabbed my attention as soon as … Continue reading

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The more we allow ourselves to accept what is happening all around us,The more we can experience the ecstatic state of blissThat comes from feeling it all, being one with it all, no judgement,  no thought,just pure presence with it all Allowing … Continue reading

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My Son

I have had so many changes in my life, some I welcomed and some I did not. I have to say that change is not an easy topic for me. One of the changes that was difficult for me is … Continue reading

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