This little guy showed up at our back door recently the day after our daughter had been visiting from North Carolina. The synchronicity of his appearance (first rabbit I’d seen all spring or summer) immediately became a joke for us. Our daughter had told us about the “bunny brigade” that was attacking their yard back in NC, eating everything they had planted with a vengeance.
This little one was munching away on the chickweed growing just outside the door, and we were happy to have him doing that. It did make me wonder, though, if he would find his way to the front yard where Roses and Impatiens and Coneflowers are growing, not to mention the seedlings of several annuals that are coming up.
So, is this a friend or a foe? Should I be feeling delighted or defensive? In this past Sunday’s service, Sherree Bailey reminded us that we are all “the light” and that we are all, in our own ways, doing the light of Spirit. As frustrating as bunnies (or deer or squirrels) can be to our gardening efforts, when I really look, I can see. This bunny is just doing what I’m trying to do–to live my life and enjoy it.
It’s something I need to remember. It’s hard, these days, to see the light everywhere. It’s easy, these days, to see an enemy in someone who, on some level, just wants and needs some of the same things that I want and need. And this is no pollyanna report. I know that my “enemies” see me as an enemy, too. Sometimes, delight requires some serious work.
~Bob Patrick
Your words are so true.