Discovering the Practice of Presence

The practice of presence is being fully aware and engaged in the present moment. With the assistance of my artificial intelligence app, I found that some key aspects of being present are mindfulness, meditation, and grounding.

Mindfulness is paying attention to your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. Being present is an escape from dwelling on the mistakes I made in the past and speculating about the future.

Meditation emphasizes the practice of presence. Among the techniques include concentrating on breathing and observing but not dwelling on thoughts that arise. My mind wanders, even when I’m trying to meditate. I concentrate on breathing, and I count to ten; then, I’m off to the races. Meditation takes practice.

Grounding involves assessing your senses of smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing.
By checking in with our senses through out daily activities like eating and walking, we can find joy in simple moments. We can find ourselves more present.

Practicing presence can decrease anxiety and depression and through greater focus enhance

~Bruce Leonard

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