Inclusion is championed by great movements, initiatives, groups, and legislation. These efforts
remind us of the power of collective action and the progress we can achieve together. Yet,
sometimes, these movements can feel distant or abstract, leaving us disconnected from the
immediacy of practicing inclusion throughout our daily lives.
Inclusion is not only about large-scale efforts; it is also about how we show up in everyday
moments that actively reflect our values. It’s choosing patience over frustration, offering a smile to those we pass, saying hello or good morning, holding open a door, or giving someone the closer parking spot. There are countless opportunities to widen the circle of inclusivity as we move through the world daily.
These small acts are by no means insignificant, nor are they simply good manners. They remind others—and ourselves—that we all share in the dignity and respect that come with being human. They connect us to the interdependent web of life, where each of us carries our own joys and sorrows, bound together by a common thread of existence.
When we practice inclusion daily through small, intentional acts, we make its power tangible.
This happens not only through movements toward a more just world but also in how we live our values and touch the lives of others every day.
~Ryan Peterson