I am struck like a singing gong,
shak(ing) like a leaf in the current of a tumultuous wind,
floating like a feather shed in a flurry of motion
launching to ride currents of air,
gently touched as by the velvet paw of a questing kitten,
and (bouncing) along on the trickle of a warm, enfolding, sun-kissed, freshet.
Your presence, seeing and hearing me and each other,
moves me unmeasurably and unforgettably.
My head and heart are with you this day.
I believe you are beings of light-
I rejoice as you shine on my life and out into a dark world.
I wish you peace, safety, and the making of good memories.
~Bill Benshoof
This is so beautiful Bill. Thanks for sharing
As I journeyed through these lovely images, I felt my body calm and center, reminded I am not alone this morning. In so many ways, I am safely held in the circle of fellow travelers.