We all know that each of us have different journeys to walk. My journey started five years ago when I mistakenly contacted Sherree about joining a coven. She very quickly let me know that CUUPS was not a coven but I was welcomed to come to the upcoming ritual, which was I believe Imbolc. The ritual drew me in, but that I was accepted for my weird quirks and odd beliefs made me stay. I also got a free staff.
In February or March I attended a service in which P and C did a skit about the upcoming auction. P with her wonderful gift of welcoming encouraged me to attend. After that auction I was hooked and attended UU101 and became a member in April.
My path changed drastically that year, I joined a church… I joined a church! I was a solitary witch looking for other witches to practice with, not a Christian or anyone that would ever consider joining a church. But this felt different, no one glared at me for talking about herbs or healing practices outside of the norm; no one gasped when I was reading a controversial book (some of you know that story). I felt I had found a home.
I started to explore more that I could do. I volunteered for many things but the one place that helped me evolve was the nursery. That experience tested my courage and it allowed me to understand children; DS was a great teacher. When the pandemic hit once again I evolved. I became overwhelmed at work and for a year couldn’t fathom going to service online. Where was the human connection? I also felt like a hypocrite since just months prior I had suggested the church live stream on Facebook or YouTube for people that couldn’t attend in person.
In 2022 I was asked and agreed to serve on the Board of Trustees. This has been one of the most life evolving and rewarding positions I could ever take on. The changes I’ve seen in myself and the members of the board have been enlightening. The courage they have to join in the discussions of the safety and wellbeing of our congregation financially and spiritually is inspiring. I can’t express how great it has been to have the opportunity to be part of this board and the many paths it has opened me up to.
In just five years my life changed so much and I evolved as well. Now I start a new journey of transformation with my family in all aspects of my life.
~Candice C. Carver
I am so glad you are part of our church family! You have been a blessing to our congregation.
Love you,
You can do so much. Being on the board takes a certain talent. I’m glad that you possess that talent because I certainly don’t have it. We are so grateful that you are part of our community.