Repost: Friends

Reposted from March 11, 2024

When I was in high school I was not popular in any sense of the word. I didn’t have any friends. I was shy and quiet. I was also an introvert. All of which I still am. I lived in my own world to escape my life. I survived my childhood and that’s all I have to say about that.

When I graduated, I had to work to support the family.  I  have two friends that I met at work. I still talk to them. I’ve known them for over twenty years. I guess when I do make a friend, it’s for a lifetime. 

I never knew what it’s like to be surrounded by friends. I don’t feel like I was deprived because I never experienced it. I was fine because being an introvert, people can be overwhelming. I preferred to be home with my children. 

Work and home was my life. Mostly work because I was a single mother. I also had to take care of my mother, nephew and sister. One day my life changed for the better. I found UUCG. I made friends. I was happy. Then I got a new job and I couldn’t go to UUCG for almost a year. Then COVID happened and nobody was going anywhere.

In 2021, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my life changed in every way possible. Cancer transformed me into a different person. I’m still shy and quiet. I’m still an introvert but now I enjoy being around people. Mind you, I still need time for myself. People can still be overwhelming but it happens less. 

My transformation gave me a different life. I have many lifetime friends. They are there for me and I’m there for them. Most of my friends that I met are part of the UUCG community. I enjoy going to the services because I’m surrounded by friends. That is wonderful.

~Rita Romero 

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