Repost: Keeping the World Spinning

Reposted from April 17, 2024

The Hopi Indians of Arizona believe that our daily rituals and prayers literally keep this world spinning on its axis. For me, feeding the seagulls is one of those everyday prayers.

                                                                                                 — Brenda Peterson

Let this thought sink into your consciousness as a belief. Right now. Take a deep breath and believe that our practice of prayer and ritual keeps the world spinning. I’ve read this quote before, but I read it from the safe distance created by the intellect. I simply didn’t allow it to deconstruct my view of science and physics. I didn’t allow it to transform my ordinary day into a day of reflection. I certainly didn’t allow it to shine a light on how often I fail to practice prayer or ignore all the opportunities to create healing rituals.

If our prayers and rituals are pushing this world round and round, then we have a deep responsibility to examine the habits and routines of our daily lives. There are no disclaimers or excuses attached to this belief. The survival of our planet and those cohabitating with us depend on our ability to see the depth of the consequences of our actions and inactions.

Deep within us, when we are quiet and beyond the stresses of our days, we feel the interconnected nature of life. The gift of rain after a long dry spell, the call of birds, buzzing of bees and quiet growth of trees. If we want this planet to survive for those who will walk its pathways after us, then we must set our intentions. What do your everyday prayers look like? It’s totally up to you. It could be feeding the seagulls.

~Lisa Kiel

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