Repost: Nine Steps to Interbeing*

Reposted from April 10, 2024


With news.

Of terrible loss.

How can this be?

Pain, fear, doubt, guilt, shame.

Deeply entwined in so many lives.

I awoke thinking myself an individual being.

Now drawn into a reality larger than myself. 

I cannot escape my part in this complex world.


I am a co-creator of this vast, complex reality.

And this reality continuously pours into my life.

I move around receiving life’s free offerings.

Today, life gives; today I experience

Pleasure, love, safety, joy, gratitude

Freely given, humbly received.

My turn, again.

To touch.


~Bob Patrick

*I made up this poetic exercise. I invite you to give it a try.  The nine steps are nine lines that grow in number. The first line has one word. The second two, and so on until you reach a nine word line. Then, you reverse it, down to one, again. What are your nine steps into interdependence, into the interdependent web of existence?

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