Tag Archives: UU Principles 1-7
Come, Come Whoever You Are: Two-way Invitation
This song sings as if it is our invitation to others. We sing: Come, Come, Whoever You Are Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. Ours is no caravan of despair. Come, yet again, come. We sing within the sacred space of … Continue reading
Fire of Commitment: Content of Commitment
In my work as a teacher, I am encountering students who are caught up in our recent political turmoil to one degree or another. Two phrases often emerge in their conversations about it all and which reflect what the events … Continue reading
We Are: Individual and Community
As Americans, we love our individualism. Celebrating the individuality of each human being is a beautiful and necessary thing. Our own Unitarian Universalist principles speak to this individuality. We affirm the dignity of every human being (1), acceptance of one … Continue reading
July 8–Blessings and Privilege
I write this today on our son’s 22nd birthday. I could write the same on January 8 or March 24, the dates of the birth of our daughters, but it happens to be July 8, one of the mornings after … Continue reading
July 4–Blessing and Patriotism
Robert Reich offers this interesting take on patriotism as we enter the Fourth of July holiday. I confess that I have not, in recent years, liked to use the word patriotism or patriot or patriotic. For me, they have become words … Continue reading
The Playground: Playing with the Principles
Unitarian Universalists hold Seven Principles as our wise guides in living in the world. I am wondering what they would look and sound like on the playground. The inherent worth and dignity of every person. On the playground: hey, there’s … Continue reading