Category Archives: Fire of Commitment

Fire of Commitment–Finding Faith

It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me the most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, or who had ever been alive. James Baldwin There is a certain … Continue reading

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Fire of Commitment: Fired Up and Ready to Go

I know that I need to be present with my Beloved Community now more than ever before in my life. The level of danger and tension in my World, Country, State, County, and Neighborhood looms as large to me as … Continue reading

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Fire of Commitment: Entering Fire

Recently, members of the Worship committee, all people in our community who, each week, either lead services at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett, or who assist those who do, gathered for our quarterly meeting.  We spent about 15 minutes … Continue reading

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Fire of Commitment: Bellows

We heat our house with wood. It’s amazing how much warmth is generated by a three-foot soapstone box in the living room. On a cold night in January (yes, there were a few of those), the house was noticeably chilly. … Continue reading

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Fire of Commitment: Content of Commitment

In my work as a teacher, I am encountering students who are caught up in our recent political turmoil to one degree or another.  Two phrases often emerge in their conversations about it all and which reflect what the events … Continue reading

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Fire of Commitment: Let Surprise Come

I grew up in New York. It snowed every winter. I remember one night when a blizzard was in full swing and my mom and dad had my older brothers and my sister outside with them shoveling the walks and … Continue reading

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Fire of Commitment: Fired Up!

Ever since the election I have felt burdened with worry.  I feel like we are living in a nightmare, and I have deep fear for the future of our nation and our world.  I am simply burnt out. Or am … Continue reading

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