Where Do We Stand?

We unite in our differences in background & belief;
We unite—with gratitude and hope:
Hope for a world of differences;
Hope for a world that honors difference;
We unite in community
With gratitude for difference.

Permission secured by Soul Matters
Rev. David Breeden

In this section taken from our themed Soul Matters material for this month I am struck by how gratitude is at the heart of uniting with those who are different from us. And then hope for a world where those differences are honored is what will carry us through. Blessed be and may it be so. 

This is a song I am still working on but the foundation for it is using my voice, your voice, our voices collectively to stand up for pluralism and unity. Maybe I’ll finish it soon… 

Do you wanna save the world today?

Do you wanna take some pain away?

Do you wanna help someone survive – show your better side…today…

Will you step in for a friend today

Will you help a stranger on their way

Will you stop some hatred that you see – show your better side… today…

Do you wanna reach across the wall 

Do you wanna see that borders fall 

Do you wanna take a strangers hand?

Once voice to start the conversation

Two voices speak for what is true (stand up for the truth)

Three voices march for peace and justice 

But who am I  – What say they – where stand you?

(or) will you add your voice and speak for truth?  

Step up to help your neighbor

Reach out and add your labor

Use your voice to speak the truth and tell the world you care.

~Lydia Patrick

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2 Responses to Where Do We Stand?

  1. Peggy A says:

    I love the words to this song. Hope you perform it for us soon!!

  2. katrina P yurko says:

    I love the lyrics to this song. I’m hoping you can find the melody that will carry these distinct words far and wide, and deep into the wellspring of our purpose.

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