Category Archives: Gift of Pluralism

The theme for the month of May 2024–the gift of pluralism

Glistening Gauzy Threads: Pluralism –> Renewal

I just can’t help it, y’all: For me, summer starts on June 1. So on this last day ofMay, I see us teeter-tottering on the threshold between the seasons. In a moment,with just one more push up from the ground, … Continue reading

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Our Own Pluralism–A Spirituality of Irony

If we step back and take a look at the sweep of our human history, we may see that we, ourselves, individuals and collective, are living, breathing examples of pluralism. Western theological and philosophical traditions would have us believe that … Continue reading

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Using Covenant As A Verb

We covenant to learn from one another in our free and responsible searchfor truth and meaning                                                                       – Final Proposed Revision to Article II Can you see and feel the difference in the language between our current principles and the proposed … Continue reading

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Pluralism and Parenting

One of the questions I wrestle with as I rapidly approach parenthood is “How do I teachmy children what is good and right?” I believe that this is, of course, a much broaderissue than a simple question with a simple … Continue reading

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The Spectrum of Ways of Being

This month, as we’ve examined pluralism, we’ve considered varying races, religions,ethnicities…but there’s another variant I’d like you to consider: neurodivergence. I am thegrandmother of that charming, curly-haired three-year-old, who thinks she owns all of UUCG;that charming, curly-haired three-year-old, who recently … Continue reading

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The Architecture of Our Lives

Poetry is not only dream and vision, it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundations for a future of change, a bridge across our fears and what has never been before.Poetry Is Not A Luxury, Audre … Continue reading

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Everyday Pluralism

Pluralism has been by far one of the hardest things to write about, and I think that’s because I’m thinking too hard about it. When I look up pluralism and the ways we embrace it I see things that I … Continue reading

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