Monthly Archives: March 2014

Sowing: Metagenomics, science as metaphor

There is a relatively new field of scientific study called metagenomics.  Just as geneticists are tracking the human genome, they are also tracking the genomes of myriad living things.  In the world of microbiology, tracking the genomics of a pathogen … Continue reading

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Sowing: Star Trek: Connected by Our Differences

“I am pleased to see that we have differences. May we together become greater than the sum of both of us.” -Surak of Vulcan, Star Trek: TOS, episode #77, “The Savage Curtain” There are few pop culture phenomena that serve … Continue reading

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Sowing: And Not Knowing

A few years ago, we created a compost bin in our back yard just off the edge of our deck.  Convenience was our main goal–a short walk from the kitchen to the deck to drop materials into the bin.  That … Continue reading

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Sowing: Seeds of Time, part 2

(Part 1 of Sowing Time can be found here.) My family has it in mind to plant a new garden this year.  In the past we have always grown herbs, but the boys and I are eager to grow vegetables.  … Continue reading

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Sowing: Seeds of Imagination

“If you are a dreamer come in If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer If you’re a pretender come sit by my fire For we have some flax golden tales to spin … Continue reading

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Sowing: The Strength Within

Every seed is a capsule of life, containing the full potential of its parent.  Flowers, trees, shrubs, and grasses release this part of themselves each season to discover their place in the world – the new location that will become … Continue reading

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Sowing: Preparing the Ground

In the 50+ years of my life, I have engaged in preparing soil for the sowing of seeds.  That preparation has included:  burning, turning, enriching and building. Burning: Like many farmers for centuries, my grandfather often burned the field we … Continue reading

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