Tag Archives: strength

Vulnerability and Authority

It was about 25 years ago when I went searching for a new therapist that I recognized some deep vulnerability … and some gifts. I knew going into my relationship with the therapist I’d been seeing for many months that … Continue reading

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Unwanted Belonging

There are times that you find yourself belonging to a group that you feared. A group that would change your life forever. All you see are the tears of suffering and death. You never see the smiles and the laughter … Continue reading

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Fire of Commitment: Fired Up!

Ever since the election I have felt burdened with worry.  I feel like we are living in a nightmare, and I have deep fear for the future of our nation and our world.  I am simply burnt out. Or am … Continue reading

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Love Makes a Bridge: Live and Learn

When I was a child living in Tacoma, Washington, I remember watching film footage of the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940.  The bridge had only been opened a few months when wind gusts hit it the wrong … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis – The Journey

Where are you going? We ask ourselves this question periodically as we move through life. Setting goals, checking in on how the journey is progressing, perhaps altering our course or even tweaking our mode of transportation… The truth is that … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Butterfly

This post is the third in a trio of posts inspired by butterflies. The first two can be found here and here. When the time comes for a newly-transformed butterfly to emerge from the darkness of its cocoon, it faces … Continue reading

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Metamorphosis: Yes, But You Would

My adult son Walker has a genetic disease called Sanfilippo Syndrome, which causes progressive brain damage. When he was little, Walker’s issues were minimal, and the disease is rare, so he wasn’t diagnosed until he was nine years old. When … Continue reading

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