Monthly Archives: March 2014

Sowing: Containers that Nurture

After the Sunday service couple of weeks ago, I asked my son how his Religious Exploration class went that day. He is in the Earth group, and he has been enthusiastic about sharing their plans for garden spaces on UUCG’s … Continue reading

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Sowing Seeds of Courage

“Come to the edge, he said. We are afraid, they said. Come to the edge, he said. They came to the edge, He pushed them and they flew. Come to the edge, Life said. They said: We are afraid. Come … Continue reading

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Sowing: The Culture of Positivity

He touches.  He kisses. He hugs.  He laughs.  Most importantly, he asks questions.  He inquires into people’s lives.  This is the essence of teaching, of learning, of wisdom, of spirituality.  He calls it “the culture of positivity.”  I call it … Continue reading

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Sowing: Wheels in Motion

I am an ideas person.  I Love the planning phase of a project.  Brainstorming, lists, often collaboration…  But when it comes to the implementation, I must admit that sometimes I get stuck. Because all of a sudden there is a … Continue reading

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Sowing: Time

I don’t have time for this!  How often I have thought this to myself as unexpected things happen in my life.  One of our children gets sick.  The toilet clogs up.  One of our dogs eats a pound of chocolate … Continue reading

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Sowing Seeds of Patience

When we plant a garden, we know that what we sow is what we will eventually reap, but we must also be conscious of the fact that this is not an endeavor that provides instant gratification.  There is, inherently, a … Continue reading

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Sowing: Suffering and Wholeness

. . . a Universal Wholeness waits beneath our brokenness the way a torn seedpod lets all its seeds drop through its tear to germinate the Earth. A good deal of our suffering comes from not going deeply enough into the personal … Continue reading

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