Tag Archives: joy

June 10 – Listening for Joy

The story in our Sunday service today was derived from a Tibetan tale* of an old monk whose heart had become hardened by all the suffering in the world. He lived in a cold, dark, desolate cave at the top of … Continue reading

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Flight: The Gift of Wings

In celebration of motherhood… Motherhood begins with giving one’s children wings.  As a mother, it is my responsibility to teach my children what those wings are for, provide them with comfort and support as they stretch their wings and learn … Continue reading

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Sowing: Suffering and Wholeness

. . . a Universal Wholeness waits beneath our brokenness the way a torn seedpod lets all its seeds drop through its tear to germinate the Earth. A good deal of our suffering comes from not going deeply enough into the personal … Continue reading

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Birth: Winter’s Calling

Here in our region of Georgia we’ve had our first (and perhaps only) snowfall of the season.  It’s only an inch or two – a light dusting, in comparison with what states to the north of us routinely experience – … Continue reading

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Birth: Trash to Treasure

On the south side of Gainesville, along a stretch of Highway 13, is a place we call “little Mexico.” The signs are in Spanish, the buildings are painted bright colors, and the skin-tone of the people is predominantly brown. This … Continue reading

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Birth: It Always Changes Us

Recently, via Story Core on NPR, I listened to a couple recount the birth of their first child. The details were beginning to sound very much like our first experience of childbirth.  All the months of planning, child-birth classes, joint … Continue reading

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Advent (Love) – Generating Love

@Pontifex on December 23, 2013 @5:23 am EST Retweet Christmas celebrations are often full of sound. It would be good for us to make room for silence, to hear the voice of Love.  …Pope Francis As I move about in various places … Continue reading

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