Monthly Archives: August 2014

The Garden: Openings

Open our eyes to see that life abounds; open hearts to welcome it among us. The light of love here shines upon each face. May it bring faith to guide our journey home.* Openings . . . of eyes, of … Continue reading

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The Garden: Wonder and Peace

A new day dawns, once more the gift is giv’n. Wonder fills this moment shared together. The light of peace here shines upon each face. May it  bring faith to guide our journey home.* The wonder of a moment.  My … Continue reading

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The Garden: Deep Listening, revisited

This past Sunday, the Religious Exploration program presented for adults was a guided meditation designed to elicit the appearance of an animal companion (Spirit or Power Animal), and envision an atmosphere conducive to receiving any message they may have to … Continue reading

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The Garden: Sacred Time, Sacred Hope

Morning has come, arise and greet the day! Dance with joy and sing a song of gladness!   The light of hope here shines upon each face. May it bring faith to guide our journey home.* The words of this … Continue reading

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The Garden: Deep Listening

Lots of people talk to animals. Not very many listen, though. That’s the problem. ~Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh Thousands of years ago, humans took animals from the wild into the fields, and eventually into our homes.  There was … Continue reading

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The Garden: How Connected Are We?

Recently I saw the movie The Hundred-Foot Journey.  No spoilers here, but the movie did raise, over and over again, connections between unlikely and unsuspecting people. An Indian family having moved to France after civil unrest destroyed their family owned restaurant finds … Continue reading

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The Garden: Which Reality?

There is a vast difference between the way human beings experience the world, and how most other animals do.  This is often difficult for us to remember – that what we perceive as reality is actually an edited version, based … Continue reading

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