Tag Archives: meditation

Blessings: Evening Meditation

“So if you’re worried and you can’t sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep.  And you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings.”   ~ Lyric by Irving Berlin Even in a world that seems consumed with strife, even in the … Continue reading

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The Sacred: A Meditation Practice

You can read this set of “instructions” and then try it somewhere, sometime today. Find something in your world that grabs your attention, attracts you, draws you to notice it, or elicits your curiosity.  This may be any being in … Continue reading

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The Garden: Deep Listening, revisited

This past Sunday, the Religious Exploration program presented for adults was a guided meditation designed to elicit the appearance of an animal companion (Spirit or Power Animal), and envision an atmosphere conducive to receiving any message they may have to … Continue reading

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Departures: Air Practice

Breathing well, breathing clean air, is long associated with thinking clearly, perceiving well. For this meditation, consider the following questions.  Because they are open ended and may take more time to ponder, this devotional will be shorter to read!  You … Continue reading

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Sustenance: Water Meditation

As you read this, consider where you have most recently had personal contact with water. It might be the shower or bath you just took; washing your hands in a sink; drawing water in a glass to drink, or to … Continue reading

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Sustenance: Earth Meditation

Sit somewhere that allows you contact with the Earth.  Perhaps you can actually sit outside on a deck or porch.  Perhaps you can sit near a window so that you can see outside or hear birds sing.  Sit comfortably, feet … Continue reading

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Flight: Illusion of Separateness

On any given day, I do not spend much time on philosophy. Don’t get me wrong, philosophy is a fine and noble subject, and someone needs to study it… just not me. I do get an occasional deep thought when … Continue reading

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