Tag Archives: trust

The Garden: Deep Listening, revisited

This past Sunday, the Religious Exploration program presented for adults was a guided meditation designed to elicit the appearance of an animal companion (Spirit or Power Animal), and envision an atmosphere conducive to receiving any message they may have to … Continue reading

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Wings: Raw Material

When a baby bird leaves its nest for the first time, it is not without trepidation.  Often its mother must physically push it from the branch in order for it to attempt flight, and even then it may take two … Continue reading

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Sowing: Seeds of Faith

Last night was the UUCG annual fundraising event.  Traditionally, this event has been an auction, but this year we tried something different.  This year we had what was more of an “auction-themed party”.  Guests would offer their donation at the … Continue reading

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Sowing: Trust and Faith

Trust and faith are parallels to each other, and I believe they are necessary elements to living a joyful life.  We need to believe in possibilities.  We must trust that our dreams are achievable.  We have to have faith that … Continue reading

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Sowing Seeds of Trust

I work with people, and the most important thing I do is to sow seeds of trust between us. I talk about it in different ways with the people with whom I work:  I am your ally.  I am on … Continue reading

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New Year’s Day: Lunar Birth

This New Year’s Day is an exceptional one – today, not only is a new year upon us, but so is a perigree new moon; what is known as a “supermoon” (in reference to the closeness of the moon to … Continue reading

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Advent (Joy): Twinkle Lights

Twinkle lights are the perfect metaphor for joy. Joy is not a constant. It comes to us in moments – often ordinary moments. Sometimes we miss out on the bursts of joy because we’re too busy chasing down extraordinary moments. … Continue reading

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