Monthly Archives: February 2023

Is Love the Warp and the Weft of the Web?

Not the World Wide Web, but the infinite, all that is, was and ever will be Web of Life? Is it love that holds all of “THIS” together? Is the illusion of separation and our transactional culture pulling this web … Continue reading

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Showing Up

It is late February as I write this, and more insistently than usual, spring seems to be fully upon us. This morning while out for some quiet time in the backyard near the edge of the woods, I saw this … Continue reading

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How Much Love?

When I was teaching 3rd grade in AL and then again later in GA I used the poetry from Shel Silverstein’s books often with my students. They were great for teaching language learning and the rhythm of metered words. They … Continue reading

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here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind … Continue reading

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If Not Love

What if, for some reason, we could no longer use the word love. But, let’s say, we still wanted to convey for ourselves and for others the things love means to us, between us, and about us.  What words would … Continue reading

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All My Love

I love being on my porch, swinging on my two seater with Hunny by my side. I will just sit and watch the trees dance with the wind. I laugh when I see squirrels chase each other up the trees. … Continue reading

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Why Love?

Start treating your Self like someone you love. J. Mike Fields, Life Coach Love shows up in most religious traditions as a most important thing. Jesus’ famous words agree with the teachers of his Jewish tradition that loving God and … Continue reading

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