Monthly Archives: February 2025
Maya Gonzalez
For the service I am doing later this month I am finding folks who have shown me examples of inclusion and practices of inclusion. I am inspired by their commitment and dedication to this practice. I found Maya online when … Continue reading
All the Feels
Before I started working with a trauma therapist, I had a habit of holding onto and hidingmy feelings. This is especially true of unpleasant emotions, particularly anger. But in doing so, the anger only came out in ways that proved … Continue reading
JETPIG and the Practice of Inclusion
Depending on when you were introduced to Unitarian Universalism, the fundamental explanation of our faith could be presented in a few different ways. The Seven Principles andtheir explanations were my introduction and remain the foundation of my understanding of my … Continue reading
A Call to Stand Against Injustice
I read a recent article in Reuters about the removal of a U.S. Air Force video honoring the first Black pilots, and realized this is not just a bureaucratic decision—it is an alarming regression that threatens to erase the progress … Continue reading
Behind the Trees
It was a beautiful Midwestern evening. The heat of the sun had dissipated, and a cool breezecarried the sweet smell of wild grasses swaying in the golden glow of the setting sun. I was out for a bike ride—anything to … Continue reading
Living Love Through the Practice of Inclusion
This is my 20th year as a Unitarian Universalist. In my early years, it was not uncommon to hear someone say: “In Unitarian Universalism, you can just believe whatever you want to.” When that came from a fellow UU, I … Continue reading