
On this especially rainy Tuesday, I am feeling down and out, trying to recover from a weather-related migraine, as well as a recent bipolar -related hospital stay. My bright, orange ray of sunshine of a cat named Benny is keeping me company on my bed. He has this way of just stretching out and touching me with his paws, letting me know he’s here and that it’s going to be okay. He doesn’t have to say a word, not even meow.

There have been plenty of times in my life with Benny that he had something profound to say to me. Those messages from him always returned me to the life and love of the present moment.  

He reminded me that not only was he here and needed me, but that others were too. He
saved my life. That precious gift of presence I still have every day. On a day like today, it’s nice to be reminded that I am loved by the community of companions that surround

~Jen Garrison

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3 Responses to Benny

  1. Lydia M Patrick says:

    Benny sounds marvelous! So glad you have him!

  2. Peggy A says:

    Beautiful words of wisdom, Jen. I am so glad Benny is there for you! You also have many people at UUCG who love you, including the Averyts.

  3. Carol Richardson says:

    Lovely, Jen. The four legged ones are such a gift.

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