Category Archives: Delight

The pathway of delight, June 2023

Drawing Delight # 1

For most of my life, I have kept a journal. It’s not been every day for 64 years, but it’s been for stretches of time, writing daily in a notebook about whatever was going on in the internal and external … Continue reading

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Ice Cream

Whenever I am in Phoenix seeing my daughter, we always practice the delightful ritual of visiting her favorite vegan ice cream shop. Not only does this magical establishment sell vegan ice cream it also has, wonder of wonders, gluten free … Continue reading

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Some relationships are keepers. They go deep and last long. And then, for one reason or another the relationship changes. Someone moves, retires, or passes. And right there we are heartbroken. We are split wide open. We can hardly contain … Continue reading

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In Our Hands

This is an excerpt from a post I wrote in 2017. At first glance, it’s not the bright, sunshiny sort of thing one would expect under the theme of “delight” which we are focusing on in June 2023. Bear with … Continue reading

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Water Temperature

Every summer our community pool opens Memorial Day Weekend with a party. After that weekend it opens daily at 11:00 right after swim practice ends.  For over 5 years and counting a group of women, myself included, head to the … Continue reading

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Dancing in the Seats

Our Rev. Jan is retiring. Our congregation had a retirement party for her. It was a sad and joyous celebration. Sad because she is leaving. Joyous for the time she was with us and for the beginning of a wonderful … Continue reading

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The Delight of Playday

2023 June The Path of Delight – Playday – Lydia Patrick Like most dogs Millie loves to look out the window. If a car passes she sees it. If an animal runs through the yard she lets us know. If … Continue reading

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