In Our Hands

This is an excerpt from a post I wrote in 2017. At first glance, it’s not the bright, sunshiny sort of thing one would expect under the theme of “delight” which we are focusing on in June 2023. Bear with it for a moment, through what was the beginnings of hurricane Irma and a very aging dog member of our family. I wrote in 2017:

“This morning, out of the dark of early morning, I could hear the wailing and yelping of our 18 year old Dachshund, Jewel.  She was downstairs where she sleeps these days, far too old to make the staircase up to our bedroom.  She now has her own plush sleeping quarters in the sun room.

But, I could tell that she was unhappy.  I got up to go and check on her.  The rain from Irma had already begun.  I took Jewel outside and then back in.  She was inconsolable.  She got in and out of her bed a dozen times, tried to get under her blanket and then came out from under it half a dozen times, wailing and crying the whole time.  Nothing soothed her–nothing that usually does, not the offer of food, not the comfort of her bed or her blanket, not going outside. Apparently not being inside.

So, instinctively, I got down on the floor next to her bed, and held her–mostly her head, cupped in my hands.  Her wailing became whimpers.  Her whimpers, after they stopped sounding continued to reverberate through her body for several more minutes.  And then, she was asleep.

It was something between us that worked.  It was in our touch. It soothed, it calmed, it cared, it worked.”

The gift of delight may just be in our hands today, as we offer them to someone else in need.

~Bob Patrick

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3 Responses to In Our Hands

  1. Lydia M Patrick says:

    I never knew about this day with you and her. Sweet Jewel. I think you did bring her joy that day. I think she knew deep love.

  2. Carol Richardson says:

    Tender and touching, Bob. Thank you.

  3. katrina yurko says:

    A lot of power in compassion. Especially when it’s focused between just 2, when language becomes the sound of the spirit and the touch transcends pain.

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