Category Archives: Practice of Invitation

Theme for September 2024

The Gracious Gift of Invitation

I spent several summers as a teenager living with my grandmother on her farm in the Shenandoah Valley near the small town of Monterey, Virginia. I was always surprised when folks would just drop by to see us.They never called … Continue reading

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Letting Go

In August of 2022, I had an opportunity to travel to N. Myrtle Beach, SC with my friendHeather. This was my first trip to a beach since I was a teen traveling to DaytonaBeach, FL with my grandparents (28 years … Continue reading

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To Perish and To Flourish

In her poem “Evidence,” Mary Oliver ends the first part of the poem with this admonition: Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.  Keeping my heart open to the unimaginable is another way of saying–don’t let your imagination … Continue reading

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Thoughts and Prayers?

Thoughts and prayers. It used to signify a heartfelt wish Thoughts and prayers. It used to be a way of saying “regardless of your religious background or mine, I stand with you.” Thoughts and prayers.  It used to be a … Continue reading

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I invite you to be silent, to be still, to listen to the quiet air around you. The unnerving nothingness and racing thoughts at first scamper through your brain, but eventually the quiet invitation is relaxing. Deeper you listen to … Continue reading

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Take Care of Your Soul

What does taking care of our souls look like today, this week, especially for those of us living in Georgia, so tuned in to the school shooting that took place not far from our congregation’s place of worship? For some, … Continue reading

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Building Friendships Through Music

On most typical Sundays at UUCG you can see me in the alto section of the CovenantChoir. I have a practice of scanning the sanctuary with my eyes to spot anyone whoseface I don’t recognize, so that I can try … Continue reading

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