Category Archives: Repost–Summer 2024

Reposts of previous blogs during the summer break.

Repost: More Than Meets The Eye

Reposted from March 20, 2024 Are you familiar with the Transformers? You know, those robots in disguise? Long before the Transformers movie franchise, there was a cartoon version that captured the imagination of my son when he was only five … Continue reading

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Repost: Friends

Reposted from March 11, 2024 When I was in high school I was not popular in any sense of the word. I didn’t have any friends. I was shy and quiet. I was also an introvert. All of which I … Continue reading

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Repost: Chaos Required

Reposted from March 8, 2024 with addendum Transformation comes out of chaos.  Is this true? I’ve been thinking about it lately. I imagine two different scenarios which inform transformation, whether personally (e.g. health, financial, sense of purpose, search for meaning), … Continue reading

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Repost: Can the Heart Win This One?

Reposted from February 28, 2024 Are we so disconnected from our own souls that we are unable to recognize the soul within another?   –Lisa Kiel True justice and equity will not happen until we see each other as equals.  –Rita … Continue reading

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Repost: It’s the Power and the Privilege

Reposted from February 20, 2024 If, then… If we want a beloved community, we must stand for justice, have recognition for difference without attaching privilege to difference. — bell hooks Do we want a beloved community? Then here’s what we … Continue reading

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Repost: See. Notice. Witness.

Reposted from February 12, 2024 There’s a parable that Jesus tells in the Christian gospel of Matthew. For years it left me troubled. This is my summary of that parable, which Jesus said illustrated what the Kingdom of God is … Continue reading

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Repost: My Heart

Reposted from February 5, 2024 My Heart  For the holidays this year Bob gave each of us in our family a gemstone heart and a satchel to carry it in. He talked to us about the energy given and received … Continue reading

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