Category Archives: Uncategorized

Repost: See. Notice. Witness.

Reposted from February 12, 2024 There’s a parable that Jesus tells in the Christian gospel of Matthew. For years it left me troubled. This is my summary of that parable, which Jesus said illustrated what the Kingdom of God is … Continue reading

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Repost: My Heart

Reposted from February 5, 2024 My Heart  For the holidays this year Bob gave each of us in our family a gemstone heart and a satchel to carry it in. He talked to us about the energy given and received … Continue reading

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Repost: For the Love of Music

Reposted from January 29, 2024 My first love was, and continues to be, music. My mom played a big role in helping develop this love by enrolling me in Mommy & Me keyboard lessons starting around age 4, and by … Continue reading

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Repost: Amy’s Tree

Reposted from October 19, 2023 Raising 4 children in our home meant Christmas was a hectic time of gift secrecy, nonstop cooking and decorations everywhere. I always put up a traditional tree filled with the wonky ornaments my children made … Continue reading

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Repost: Mealtime Traditions

Reposted from October 10, 2023 My family didn’t pass down many generations-old traditions, but the few I can think of are allbased around food. First, when I was growing up, it was always important to my family to eattogether. I … Continue reading

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Repost: A Basket Full of Comfort

Reposted from October 3, 2023 Heritage has at its core the word inheritance, an allotted portion. For each of us, this includes the chromosomal inheritance of our biology. This means my hazel eyes and Welsh fair skin were allotted to … Continue reading

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Repost: Opening My Heart to Emotion

Repost from September 27, 2023 Emotions are hard; they hurt and sometimes linger for years and years causing deeper pain and anguish. Sometimes emotions are soft and joyous and fleeting. If we could only hold onto the joyous emotions as … Continue reading

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