Coming and going
My life is change
The religion of my childhood
Coming and going
My belief not clear
My questions need answers
Whispers sound near
Coming and going
Where is my song
Where do I fit
Will I ever belong
Coming and going
I hear all the voices
Religions surround me
So many choices
Coming and going
Time for some truth
Searching those answers
A regular sleuth
Coming and going
Do I need to know
Or just keep on moving
Letting life flow
Coming and going
Searching is good
Questioning everything
That’s as I should
Coming and going
It’s the journey that counts
Not just the answers
That come out of my mouth
Coming and going
I hear the birds sing
And with them the rain clouds
They bring everything
Coming and going
The earth shouts her song
And here in MY journey
Is where I belong.
~Lydia Patrick
Thank you my friend!
Wow, this poem is beautiful, and expresses so much of what I think and feel. Thank you for sharing your many talents with us.
WoW, This is a very fluid poem with a lot of depth and meaning. The interchanges between having come from, and where you are going is a fertile ground for the big picture, big choices and where You stand in that picture. I love the way your poem carries the quest. It s the your journey in the end; You move forward with purpose, You are the architect and the builder. Oh, not to forget, you are THEE Baker !