
When I was in high school I was not popular in any sense of the word. I didn’t have any friends. I was shy and quiet. I was also an introvert. All of which I still am. I lived in my own world to escape my life. I survived my childhood and that’s all I have to say about that.

When I graduated, I had to work to support the family.  I  have two friends that I met at work. I still talk to them. I’ve known them for over twenty years. I guess when I do make a friend, it’s for a lifetime. 

I never knew what it’s like to be surrounded by friends. I don’t feel like I was deprived because I never experienced it. I was fine because being an introvert, people can be overwhelming. I preferred to be home with my children. 

Work and home was my life. Mostly work because I was a single mother. I also had to take care of my mother, nephew and sister. One day my life changed for the better. I found UUCG. I made friends. I was happy. Then I got a new job and I couldn’t go to UUCG for almost a year. Then COVID happened and nobody was going anywhere.

In 2021, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and my life changed in every way possible. Cancer transformed me into a different person. I’m still shy and quiet. I’m still an introvert but now I enjoy being around people. Mind you, I still need time for myself. People can still be overwhelming but it happens less. 

My transformation gave me a different life. I have many lifetime friends. They are there for me and I’m there for them. Most of my friends that I met are part of the UUCG community. I enjoy going to the services because I’m surrounded by friends. That is wonderful.

~Rita Romero 

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4 Responses to Friends

  1. katrina P yurko says:

    Your Story is unique . It has also come before you through the humanity that has populated this beautiful Earth. Even though you are not alone you are unique in How you handle life changing events. You found just the right tool in your tool kit, you found friends, you found a source of strength, and compassion. You did good Rita. You are not a victim and you are not a super hero. You are testament to our Ability to find a path,
    Navigating the big boulders in the road ahead and Knowing what tools put in your tool belt !

  2. Peggy A says:

    Rita, I am so glad you made your way to UUCG. We are blessed to have you there.
    Love you,

  3. Rita Romero says:

    Thank you!!!

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