Life’s Eternal Truth

In the garden’s heart where secrets dwell,
Through pagan holy days, a transformation spell.
From Imbolc’s light to Beltane’s fire,
Each turning season lifts us higher.

In spring’s embrace, beneath Ostara’s eye,
The earth awakens, spirits fly.
Seeds stir in soil, green shoots break free,
A dance of renewal, wild and free.

Beltane arrives with its passionate flare,
Flowers bloom, love is in the air.
The garden thrives, a vibrant display,
Life and light hold sway.

As Litha’s sun crowns the longest day,
The garden’s glory in full array.
Fruits ripen, and flowers beam,
A midsummer night’s dream.

Lammas whispers of harvest near,
A time of gratitude, a moment to revere.
First fruits gathered in the waning sun,
A cycle’s end, a new one begun.

Mabon’s balance, day equals night,
Harvest’s bounty, a heartwarming sight.
The garden prepares for the coming cold,
A time of reflection, stories of old.

As Samhain’s veil thins between worlds,
A mystical fog in the garden swirls.
Ancestors whisper, the past and present blend,
A moment of remembrance, messages to send.

Yule’s winter solstice, rebirth of the sun,
A promise of light, a new cycle begun.
The garden rests under snow’s gentle shroud,
Dreaming of spring, silent yet proud.

Through each holy day, the garden transforms,
Nature’s cycle, in countless forms.
A sacred space where magic dwells,
In whispered winds and chime’s soft bells.

In this dance of light, shadow, and hue,
The garden reveals life’s eternal truth.
From death comes life, from dark comes light,
In endless cycles, day follows night.

~Candice C. Carver

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3 Responses to Life’s Eternal Truth

  1. Daniel Bailey says:

    Candice I love this! You are quite the poet!

  2. katrina P yurko says:

    This has such a beautiful flow. It makes the edges of passing time grow soft and blend into the next event, a drop of dew, a longer shadow, a peek at a bloom, a natural event that reminds us that the end is a beginning.

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