Repose: A Last Loving Look

Reposted from January 8, 2024

This is that time of year. When I go into that cabinet on that shelf where we keep that basket. This is the keeper of those pieces of  paper – mail, notes, cards, receipts, etc. Things we are not ready to throw away but don’t want to take the time to look at just then and we not sure quite where to keep them. So we put them in this basket. 

And, over time, that basket filled up with stuff that at some point had to be dealt with. And, today was that day…… so I plowed in. 

In the very back of that basket I found a letter from my sister who died in November of 2020. This letter was dated October 2020. 

At first I panicked thinking I hadn’t opened it and here was the very last communication from her. I held my breath but as I turned it over and saw that it had indeed been opened I exhaled. 

I had indeed read that letter and had a conversation with both my sister and her daughter about its contents. Family drama had upset her.  We both talked with her and assured her that all was well. She could let this false memory go. 

I wonder if she somehow knew something was going to change drastically for her, and she needed to  connect one last time with those she loved. Was she calling herself back to the embodiment of love so that there would be no limitations in her relationships moving forward from that day? 

What if I ended each day like that – if the driving force in my life was to make sure those I knew and were in covenant with ended each day knowing how much they mattered to me? If those relationships started and ended with love on a regular and enduring basis? 

~Lydia Patrick

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2 Responses to Repose: A Last Loving Look

  1. Peggy A says:

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder of what is one of the most important things in life – staying connected with all those you love and letting them know how much you love them.

  2. katrina P yurko says:

    I sometimes wonder how we can avoid the onset of becoming jaded, or simply taking things for granted. Not just anything but those gems in our life that are mingled and hidden in our daily routines. These gems; family, friends, pets, etc…and having the best cup of coffee to share with them….and furthermore, to carry them away with us, step by step, through the journey of life. I feel this the most when I’m faced with big changes in my life. When there is a decisive corner to turn and it effects all of me, gems included.
    I don’t like change on this level but it sure is a wake up call to refocus on what really matters!

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