Tag Archives: Repost of Labyrinth
Labyrinth: Balance
A repost of September 23, 2014 When there isn’t enough compassion being generated (either for ourselves as individuals or in the world in general), we become unbalanced; we suffer from it as we would from a lack of fresh air … Continue reading
Labyrinth: What Happens Next?
A repost from September 22, 2014 The ancient myth of the Minotaur and Theseus in the Labyrinth has, apparently, several – if not many – versions. The stories vary from each other in both minor (was it annually or every … Continue reading
Labyrinth: Our Lives
Reposted from October 18, 2014 On the signature line of my work email, I have a quotation from the Persian poet and mystic Rumi: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.I’ll meet you there.” Recently, I … Continue reading