Tag Archives: Summer repost

Repost: My Heart

Reposted from February 5, 2024 My Heart  For the holidays this year Bob gave each of us in our family a gemstone heart and a satchel to carry it in. He talked to us about the energy given and received … Continue reading

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Repost: For the Love of Music

Reposted from January 29, 2024 My first love was, and continues to be, music. My mom played a big role in helping develop this love by enrolling me in Mommy & Me keyboard lessons starting around age 4, and by … Continue reading

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Repost: Liberating Love–Letting Go

Reposted from January 22, 2024 I find a lot of meaning in seeing patterns, symbols, shapes and repeating dynamics. Anytime. Anywhere. With any set of relationships. When I see a pattern or repeating dynamic or a symbol of a thing … Continue reading

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Repost: How Could Anyone?

Reposted from January 15, 2024 The first time I heard the hymn “How Could Anyone” in our Sunday service, tears swelled in my heart and eyes. That continues to happen every time I hear it. The basic questions in the … Continue reading

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Repose: A Last Loving Look

Reposted from January 8, 2024 This is that time of year. When I go into that cabinet on that shelf where we keep that basket. This is the keeper of those pieces of  paper – mail, notes, cards, receipts, etc. … Continue reading

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Repost: Love and Light

Reposted from January 1, 2024 This is a phrase that was made popular by the New Age movement of the 1980’s and 90’s.  Perhaps it was the equivalent of “thoughts and prayers” in that it was a phrase to say … Continue reading

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Repost: Mysteries of Life

A repost from December 28, 2023 The older I get the more I see that life is one mystery after another. Things that I do and things that others do. The way the world works is all a mystery to … Continue reading

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